Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Two infusions down, Gamma Knife to go

When people start asking me, "How is Mark doing," that is when I know that it's been too long since I've written an update. My apologies!

Last Monday, Mark had his second "Ippy" infusion. I think it's safe to say his side effects were much worse than with the first infusion. I saw him four days later on Thanksgiving and it was very obvious he was just not feeling like his usual self. He did help with all of the Thanksgiving preparation and turkey carving, but by the end of dinner, he had no energy left. He was still in good spirits and answered trivia questions to a game we were playing while laying on the couch with his eyes closed (and got most of the questions right, by the way - he is one smart cookie). He gave a very nice, heartfelt and thankful prayer before dinner. That being said, it was still sad to see him with such little energy and feeling pretty bad. He gets his next infusion in two weeks on Monday, December 13.

Tomorrow, he goes in for another Gamma Knife procedure on his brain. I am very thankful he is having the treatment, because when I talked to him a few weeks ago, he wasn't sure whether or not he would. He was hoping that the infusions were working on his brain and that he wouldn't need the Gamma Knife. When I asked him if he thought he should just do the Gamma Knife either way to increase the chances of getting rid of all of his brain tumors, he reminded me how unpleasant the procedure is to have bolts drilled into your head. It's much easier for me and others to advise when it's not our brain and pain. Nonetheless, he is going through with the procedure tomorrow.

Mark will be getting more scans done in January and that will be the first look at his lungs and brain since he started the infusion and will help to determine whether or not they are working. I pray every night that they are.

I know I say it all the time and I'll keep saying it; Mark's persistence and desire to fight this disease and stay on this Earth as long as possible never ceases to amaze me. Sometimes I'm not sure how he has enough energy to battle the insurance companies, call the doctors constantly to get his procedures and appointments scheduled, recover from his infusions and procedures all while working full time. I try to remember this and think of him each and every time I feel like I'm "tired" or "stressed."

My mom's health hasn't been great lately either. She was recently diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism and has been undergoing a lot of tests to get that situation figured out and properly medicated. Between the two of them, they are definitely doing their part to help out the medical industry during this recession!

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers!

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