Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mark's scans

Pat and I went home this weekend so we could help my mom and Mark do their annual woodcutting to stock up for the winter. And yes, when I say "we," I did actually help! I had the very important (and high pressure) job of operating the wood splitter. I'm happy to report that everyone still has their fingers and there were no injuries. I'm even happier to report that thanks to Mark's hard work and preparation for the woodcutting, in one day and with only 6 of us, we were able to cut enough wood to last them for the entire winter.

While we were there, my mom showed me some of the before and after scans of Mark's brain and lungs. The pictures do not paint an optimistic picture. I decided to scan two of the tumors in Mark's lungs to share with you the drastic changes that have taken place in just three short months.

Imagine that Mark is standing and facing you at your computer. His right shoulder is on the left of the screen and his left shoulder is on the right of your screen.
Tumor #1 in Mark's lungs (July & October)
Tumor #2 in Mark's lungs (July & October)

These are only two of several tumors Mark has in both his lungs and his brain. As I said, the pictures don't look good. I didn't post them to be a pessimist or make the situation seem hopeless, because we all have hope. We have to. But I thought you should see what we have seen so you understand the strength and prayers Mark needs!

You wouldn't know Mark has all of this going on in his body if you saw him. He worked his butt of on Friday and Saturday doing the woodcutting and probably outworked us all! He doesn't get short of breath and isn't in any pain. Let's hope he can keep up his strength to really fight these tumors with all he's got.


Julie said...

I can't believe the difference in only a few months. I'm definitely praying for everyone in your family.

Aubrey said...

Wow,I can't believe how much things have changed. I have hope and know that Mark will pull through.

emmysmother said...

Mark begins treatment tomorrow with a new drug that has shown promise. We are hopeful that it will work for him! Thanks to all for thoughts and prayers, and especially, thanks to Emily for everything she has done and is doing for Mark and for me. I can't believe how well she turned out!

emmysmother said...

Mark begins treatment tomorrow with a new drug that has shown promise. We are hopeful that it will work for him! Thanks to all for thoughts and prayers, and especially, thanks to Emily for everything she has done and is doing for Mark and for me. I can't believe how well she turned out!